
cool book. seriously


Ray Merkler said...

Tell us about it! :)

phillyeditgrl said...

see...this wasn't supposed to be a blog post at all, but since i'm helping the editor in chief with the design and content for a book review web site, i wanted to make a point about user-friendly in-house interface...so i showed her that if we used a format similar to blogger, you can copy and paste content, do any minor formatting in html, and we could drop an image of the book in there. so that's why this post is there.

nonetheless, made to stick: why some ideas survive and others die is a fresh and funky read. One of my favorite things about it stems from this quote: "This book is filled with normal people facing normal problems who did amazing things simply by applying these principles (even if they weren't aware they were doing it). These people are so normal that you probably won't even recognize their names when you see them. Their names aren't sticky, but their stories are."

sure, it's great to read about the kind of innovation that's going on behind the scenes at google or ge, but i'd rather hear about something a little more on my level.

happy now?