

my desk is covered in book, publisher catalogs, pens, stickies, and small toys. i am strange. it's always been this way, but since bea, it looks like a small book bomb went off. quel désordre!

my online bookshelf is beginning to shape up, though i really need to sit in front of my book case with my laptop to be truly successful. that and somehow every library book i've read since 3rd grade.

i picked up the witch's trinity for a friend that teaches a graduate level witchcraft in lit class, since it looked interesting...of course while attending the expo. it comes out in september, which might work well for the next time she offers the class. i took it two years ago, and it was a great examination of the perception of witches throughout the history of literature, beginning with macbeth and ending with harry potter. it got me thinking about designing a class that would study the perception of the monster in literature...i was thinking frankenstein, grendel, dracula, and perhaps a few others.

speaking of books, i should get cracking and read some of the ones i picked up, that way i get some reviews out there. now i just need to find the time...and my desk.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

if you're thinking about a monster class, you should check out "The Monster Show" by David Skal - it's a cultural history of horror.